The archival collections of the Jacob Leisler Institute for the Study of New York History include noted scholars’ research notes and manuscripts relating to their published works and areas of interest.
The Mary Hallenbeck Collection relates to colonial Claverack, New York.
The Holland Society of New York Collection contains all of that organization’s publications, including full runs of the Society’s yearbooks and the quarterly journal de Halve Maen, as well as the editorial files relating to de Halve Maen’s creation.

The Antonia Kolb Papers consist of records concerning the Leisler family in Europe.
The Jacob Leisler Papers Collection, the foundational collection of the Institute, represents the work of Director David William Voorhees. More information is available here.
The Eric Nooter Collection features primary sources on Long Island, including Brooklyn. More information is here.
The Kees-Jan Waterman Collection focuses on North American Indians in the colonial era and their interactions with Europeans and other arrivals. More information can be found here.