The Jacob Leisler Institute for the Study of Early New York History holds more than 1,000 published works relating to the province of New York under British administration from 1664 to the American Revolution, as well as original and reproduction maps, prints, and other artwork relating to the period. In addition to the Library and material objects, the Institute contains a number of discrete archival collections, including the personal papers of a number of important scholars.

Genealogical Files In addition to a comprehensive collection of genealogical materials relating the Leisler family, The Jacob Leisler Institute holds over four hundred files, books, and manuscripts relating to New York families and their Atlantic World connections in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Learn more about genealogy at the Leisler Institute here.

The Jacob Leisler Papers began in 1988 under the auspices of the New York University Department of History and was endorsed by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) in 1989. Today, the Jacob Leisler Papers Collection contains over 4,000 records relating to five generations of Jacob Leisler’s immediate family from 1550 to 1770. These include court records and administrative papers from Leisler’s government, as well as family-related correspondence, property deeds and trade transactions, and political writings.
Learn more about the Jacob Leisler Papers Collection here.